Friday, January 22, 2021

David Marcus is clueless

 Mitch McConnell Needs To Go

Dave complains about the impeachment.  McConnell is using the impeachment process to delay and tie up the senate so the a bunch of senaotrs do not have to vote another round of California bailouts.

It is a smart play, Dave is too imbued with his philosophy to get a clue. He writes for the Federalist, so note, the Federalist is full of the clueless.

Consider Schumer:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer agreed Friday night to a two-week delay of former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, allowing the chamber to focus on confirming President Joe Biden's Cabinet and coronavirus relief.

Schumer is smart enough to know that another bailout package is not in the cards, and he also wants a bunch of items stuffed into the agenda. Thus, the earliest we get a bailout is Q2. The senate does not have the votes for another boondogle at the moment, sorry.

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