Friday, January 22, 2021

The chaos will generate no votes

Senate chaos threatens to slow Biden's agenda

President Biden is facing big headaches on getting his priorities off the ground on Capitol Hill.

Biden pledged to unify the country after the tumultuous years of the Trump presidency, and Democrats are vowing to use their first unified government in more than a decade to enact a “bold" agenda.

But they are facing significant hurdles to getting anything done fast. There’s a looming second impeachment trial for former President Trumpand, in the meantime, a chaotic Senate that is stuck in limbo amid a standoff on a power-sharing agreement with Republicans.

“Things are on hold. I’ve got a lot of things I want to do,” Sen. Dick Durbin(D-Ill.) said of the impact of not having a power-sharing deal on Biden’s agenda.

 The great batch of middle states do not need the mess, they will avoid it knowing the tax battle is looming.  And h Biden administration is surrounded by delusionals.

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