Sunday, January 31, 2021

Earmarks are not working anymore

The Senate's Problem Isn't the Filibuster, It's a Lack of Open Debate

The debate is in the language, the language of earmarks.  This is not philosophy, it is market. The earnark does not have enough resolution to collect the 60 votes.

I suppose I could appeal to some great Godotist idea about this, but it boils down to a simple result, it is hard to make change with an ear mark so the state capitals cannot hedge the known unknown. I look no further than the Wyoming pipeline fiasco, and exact result of the market efficiency rule. Wyoming cannot sell the pipeline at a discount, i is indivisible.

Thus, the center of government, it is in those 15 -20 senate governors  from the broad middle states. Market structure tells us that, and it is a mental condition that afflicts our pundits who think the solution lies in a central executive.

The delusion causes economists to keep making the same error, assuming one type of normative utility function, then attempting to over ride the basic assumption in thier utility norm. The FCalifornians and the Trumpsters do this always, and foul up.

The partial solution is to do revenue sharing, not earmark sharing. The government wobble never can be completely eliminated, but we can certainty hedge the problem if we do integer math, not earmark math.

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