Remember, the grabs the local sequence i the disturbance, and encode the maximum variance. It encodes it by undersampling, so no two quants get measured in a sample, and a string quants can be measures without a vacant sample. he encoder is grabbing the main lobe, if the disturbance was a spectrum, and setting the uncertainty constant such that Pauli holds, when phase if zero.
In our world that quantization level is the electron,and the number of quant levels is set to match an implied signal to noise ration i the disturbance. In our world, the first side lobe is magnetism , the second gravity. Because magnetism exists, and is dynamic is has to travel at light speed, that is it has to be sampled each time along its path. But in a straight line, there is not enough of it to be a measure at every sample, it is too thin for the quant levels, and eventually a sample is less than uncertainty and measures zero. The the vacuum advances phase and magnetism can move in a spiral (put some block space and use the first 65% for signal). So, the phase delay causes forward motion to slow, and do more worthless spirals along the forward path). That field can be filled light. Add in the phase advance, adding space for signal) per sample. Charge is quantized, and runs at light. It can sample the full range) but it really sets it phase to match the magnetism, the path is straightened, and moves at light.
Gravity is the second lobe, it cannot even spiral. The best it can do is phase advance (make empty space per sample. But it won't propagatate with charge, this is a charged quantized world. So gravity peters out. It is static field of our world. Gravity is dies off because it strength is below the first quantization.
The electron is under sampled, and can fill a sample with congestion, exceeding the last quant. So an electron creates a static field that is phase delayed, when on its own. It fills more sample and blocks less. And can over fill a sample by increasing phase, and thus is a strong field, unlike gravity. Magnetism always curls. Magetism is quantized in the next world up. In two worlds, say an electron and a lower quantized world, the nuclear, the proton has a phase advanced charge which attracts the phase delayed electron field, the vacuum tries to restore phase.
So, there we have it, the complete model, including relativity, quantum machanics, and a complete encoding of the universe.
When a particle, like a proton, escapes from the nuclear world, it was quantized to a larger uncertainty. It enters the world smaller uncertain, and each sampler takes two or more bites of the thing, and it cannot move at light spread. It spreads out a bit, and the samplers need to measure the side lobes of the thing, so two or more samples per moved, at least half of light speed. It needs at least the Nyquist rate, and over fills the samples. And so on, yada yada.
Who sets the uncertainly level in any given world? The static field has the phase at a constant angle. That defines the distance measure to the local observer.
So, you see, the standard model is much simpler than you think. All the relativity and quantum stuff is combined. The whole thing is an adaptive optimum encoder of the universe.
Some interesting corollaries. Higher and lower order worlds have the same rules. The higher order have smaller uncertainty, they are the smartest, and live on the outer edge of some 5 level with a huge hole. They would already have read out light with great precision. They would have calculated .the nearest number samples until that we will be able to detect their light. There light is a huge 4th order propagation. Our world will nearly destroy it with noise. But thewy know that. Web are looking for clouds of undirected pulses of bizzare matter, but it will be sending morse code.
So, that is the model.
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