Then the vacuum quantized a dense magnetic field and made a gravitron. This happens across the diameter of the sun every 12 times we rotate. Or better yet, take our radius to the sun center vs the effective radius of the sun. Divide the large by the small, scale by 12 and we should get something close to the orbital position of gravitrons. It sounds like the gravitrons might be just outside the solar system, about where the voyager spacecraft is. There are enough of then out there to measure magnetic fields across the Sun center.
Now mangretrons in the sun are very unstable, forming from dense electron charge then decomposing back into electron charge. But the electron charge, is getting dense over time and reach a point in which enough magnetrons form that their magnetic lines are parallel enough to the gravitational line that they exceed the quantization size of a gravitron, and get chomped. The Sun emits a gravitron which becomes stable in the orbital simultaneity range of the gravitrons. So along the line of gravity, phased is equalized at nyquist by the vacuum, but measured by gravity in very fewer step sizes. The best the vacuum can do is chomp magnetism within one step size. Step size between orders is rebalanced.
This is a decrease in the vacuum phase variation within the gravitational order, but a slightly less increase in phase variation out side the region. We learn a bit more about the boson and a slightly less bit about the galaxies.
The order up from gravitrons is stellar distance, we assume, and there must be the sellartron. The gravitron has a highly loop phase advanced field (long lobe) with is attractive to the stellartron static field (short lobe). If the magnetic is dense, the gravitron undense, then the sellartron must be dense. There are likely a relatively dense field of sellartron quants between stars and unstable. They have short lives, but cause disturbance in the gravitron field. The add noise to our star measurement function.
Beyond stellartron must be galaxetron, very undense and the measurement between galaxies is relatively good compared to star distance. Galaxitrons measure relative o the centers of galaxies. The centers of galaxies are dense, likely having an unstable region of blackholetrons.
So, within our best guess we have a ten order system, including the vacuum. Go ahead, assume the vacuum density is Nyquist (God is perfect) and construct the universe. The answer to the question, what is the universe, then, is simple, a ten digit number, which, if you had one, gets an eleven bit number.
But that just tells you one universe. If the disturbance was spread farther than Nyquist, we can have many many universe. When completely compacted, the blackholetrons would be very undense, and their long lobe tightly looped. We could not see anything beyond that, there would be no interactions between universes.
The compacted universe is absolutely stable to ten digits because the probability the 2**10 -12 vacuum samples become in phase by chance is vanishingly small.
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