Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Gravity is the confinement property

Einstein general relativity presumes that time and geometry warp to accommodate the laws of physics everywhere, even under compression (gravity).

In a sampled data system, the total energy (samples) is till conserved. The finite element is slightly compressible. So the sampled data system implies that under compression the points of symmetry must increase sinteh the local sample rate is conserved.

In a sampled  data version, confinement results from the slight local asymmetry in samples and he new line of symmetries needed appear as side lobes in an aliased system. The same basic idea in gravity lense effects.

Gravity is the discovery of the confinement effect, the additional line of symmetry implies the ability to engage symmetric kinetic motion, relative to the observer in the less dense samples.  Gravity is a result of combinatorials implied by slightly sufficiently compressible, uniform samplers.

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