Saturday, May 5, 2018

Wage settings in the firm

Wages are algebraic over wage price uncertainty, a well known constant point of symmetry.

Pricing is to queue, and the firm maintains a stable entry and exit queue, That queue has a price uncertainty, and all works want their wage category fixed within the know wage uncertainty. 

We have the general mathematical form, tradebook uncertainty when all traders have serialized view of the current queue. Many examples of this, like the NBA stats. Theory of Nothing says all forces result from symmetry about a queue.

Wages are different because of prequal

Wages, unlike goods prices, tend to be crypto badges within the firm, they represent the workers prequals. When the wages reshuffle, it  is not like reordering goods in the warehouse, it is more akin to revising everyone's crypto badge, to ut it intosandbax grammar. We are pricing a contract, not a cash transaction. Wages cannot be auto priced the way we do with goods, wages changes require the protocol turn around with each workers thumb print, hence the hiring manager manages revealed information, not the market.  Churn costs very high.

Hiring managers run complex wage contracts

Wages are a mix of benefits, bonuses,cash, and options. The hiring managers is mostly interested in keeping the algebra intact,  reduces churn costs. We see another general principle,confinement.  The hiring manager  runs a multi-color whitening process, there is a gain to sample space to the hiring manager as pit boss.

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