Sunday, December 16, 2018

Being evil with Default

Hard constants define memory at compile time, no calls to malloc. I deliberately want this independent, and have the small memory foot print. The ides is to force the user to load a post boot syntax engine. This needs a read and write to the use ascii device, it could run standalone with just the processor. I do not like supporting the middle ground on functionality, too many get stuck in the middle when they need a full syntax engine like Python. No need to crowd that market.

But it is comfortable, the pass though of commands works fine, you have no idea you are inside the Default syntax.  While and Expr do not work together, but those are now easy alignment fixes. Variables are hooked up, and untested, but they used to work.  I be done soon, one day maybe.

Expanding the args listconcept

Across process on the same computer is easy, use a mutex and any of a group of console loop on he machine can operate from the same args list.  Across systems the ip protocol is needed, like a messaging protocol. The interface is loadable, it opens the connection to the remote and operates locally, as a stub. Easy stuff with argc,args, two syntax engines can share name space across systems. Just make a loadable, it is specific to the messaging protocol and the other loadable is a local python engines, all of them sharing the same argc,args pair.  Easy stuff, protocol is easy, leave argc according to the linux command sequence format, newline or semi tetrminates.

Dangerous, but their are upper level methods that separate the conflicts.

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