Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Forth, the other possiblew script syntax

Forth is kind of neat, I remembered from the days, and it has a neat way of pushing macros and data, equally onto the stack and popping them off.  A very small foot print for the interpreter, and easily used remotely.  This language needs reviving, I am looking a bit further, it may be a simple, alternative, implementation of LinuxPowerScreen, we call it.

Since out assembly format is Linux command syntax, Forth would be ideal for emitting that stuff.  It is not procedural, (you have to do the distributive property in your head) that is where the simplicity comes from. But it certainly offers a useful alternative syntax for LinuxScreen, one I would find useful with join. I can see PowerScreen coming with three options, Forth, Golang and Python. Python gives you that human interface and supports the complex application interfaces.

Not my territory, the linux pros are delivering a PowerScreen, it exists in our imagination, and will eventually emerge via the power of linux bloat. There will be some combination of bloat ffiltering that will take the mass of syntax and recursions in the market, and generate LinuxPowerScreen.

What is it? A two dimesnional rotary press emulator, chars only on the sreen, full duplex assembly in standard linus form, optional syntax selection, universal:
(int * arg,  void * argv[] ) full duplex interface to all subsystems.  it is the int argc c becoming a pointer that makes it full duplex, it allows flexible data placement in the argv array, and marks  assembly sequence boundaries.

The 2d rotary press emulator is the replacement for the 1840s wooden typewriter emulator.  It is a simple, flexible Xindows, coarse grained down to font size, Xchars, attachable to LinuxPowerScreen. I want this so bad, but I have tax and join issues.

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