Monday, December 3, 2018

Having a requant

Look at the curve, in real time. The two to five suddenly even, the one to ten at 27 basis points.

This requant time, somewhere, somehow. The curve does not go through those gyrations unless there is a sudden flurry of money movement.  There is a rush to capture ten year yield, likely the French issue.

The French is the last Euro straw, there is only Germany left. France can no longer put the presses to Italy, Greece will be demanding a pass because of French events.  The euro will become a German function, and that is unstable in Europe.

Treasury, no doubt, will take advantage, selling the ten year bond. But that adds fuel to the Euro fire, they cannot sustain the necessary yields.. Look to see Europe flounder in 2019, and go on recession watch for a collapse in Club Med.

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