Monday, December 17, 2018

Messaging over the Bus

Between any two modules it is easy since they have entry points each can call the other and they can shae args space to swap strings.

The real key is sharing the Bus over he network. I will write a network module. Give it a high speed m=protocol designed around small chunks of a thousand bytes.

One goes into network mode by loading and activating the interface, it then manages the args list.  Each party has a chunk of args list reserved, and hey write messages. The interfaces cooperate, each interface updating each others copy with messages.  The interfaces keep args consistent, and any user can access the consistent version within a quarter second, around the enterprise. I can come up with an invented consensus protocol.   Notice it operates like a trusted miner. You have mainly five or six trusted miners, it is a closed system. Powerful concept,  the user can always find stuff, it is in args.

My network interface:
PutArgs(int*argc,void *args[]);

In string format: PutArgs size location. And the network interface will deliver the consistent agreed version of args from current location start to size words. There is an equivalent GetArgs. All args arrays of words.

Make it reall;y lower layer stuff, if you  go straight to the heart of this message passer, in the code, n fluff.   I need a simple consensus algorithm, and cutnpast of the best messaging format around. Extract the bloat, get simple sockets up. thousand lines of code and everyone in the enterprise be talking on the Bus. Trim it for lower layer bus management only.

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