Expnd the weightings to include quite a few types of speech, some even invented, some even invented by bots.
Shunt is a super high speed grammar to add to join, and it can fill a key word tree as a LaxyJ graph A great AI tool, join stack discover plain text structure, they can categorize their structure as a basis graph, recurse it and generate key word weights. Give these tag name and load them into the Shunt weighting table,.
The weighting table is 2D, it has a left right and an up down, ideally suited to map Huffman tees onto that. Then we create three and five color Tower of Hanoi games, funneling tons of text through the new grammar, it comes out as diagrammed sentences. Giggles call them supervisory network, I call them baiss trees that span a data set according to rule of minimizing congestion. Shunt is in my bag of tricks.
So, you give me a bunch of stock names,then Shunt can diagram sequences of those names according to thier congestion levels. Blue chips become discoverd, and become a part of speech for the bot, like:
Yea, the large Blue chip trades seem to lag the rise in small chips during winter.
Like, the bots could find this information out, and say it to us. Bots be able to read and write, how about that!
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