Thursday, January 31, 2019

Howard, Howard you missed my point

After telling NPR's "Morning Edition" on Tuesday that Warren's plan for a 2% annual tax on households with a net worth greater than $50 million was "ridiculous" and nothing more than a "good headline," Warren hit back - tweeting "What's “ridiculous” is billionaires who think they can buy the presidency to keep the system rigged for themselves while opportunity slips away for everyone else."

You debate the Red Herring, the 2% surcharge, that is not the issue, as you point out, so skip that part.

Explain quite carefully that is is Liz Warren, Gavin  Newsom, Nancy Pelosi who have been systematically making the wealth wealthier by driving up debt.

The poor suffer, they lose discretionary government and suffer the most while Liz Warren and Gavin promise all the government goodies for their particular special groups, then these clown lie, commit the Keynesian fraud continually when it has done nothing but make the rich richer.

It is Gavin, Gray Davis, Obama who leave the middle class with huge wealth losses each change of government or each recession.  It is the liberal economists who ask the peasants to pay rich people a premium.

Making the wealthy pay is not a problem, Howard, and if you do not understand the socialist nature of central banking, then get out of the race, you have to get that right.   Show folks the idiocy of the recession cycle, brough on by the combined idiocy of Liz warren and Mitch McConnell.  Put it on the screen.  Put up the chart that says Bushies and oil get American bombed.  Show the stupidity of trading trillion dollar defense commitments for hotels, make both side look as stupid as they are.

Tell us exactly how much poorer we are every time some dumb shit cattle rancher goes to DC and starts a war.  Tell us the exdact rollover cost we are paying when our Communist president bailed out the Bush kid in Texas.

Both parties, experts in fraud.  Tell us that tea party members were never rebels at all, they kissed the Kings ass and never stopped doing so.  Tear into the skewed structure of our government, tell us the states are not 50 equal hoovers, educate us.

Beating Pocahontas is easy, every liberal know she will end, in the finalle, cost them dearly, she is another Nancy about to lose four elections in a row.

The voters cannot find the hard working billioniare, Howard, because the world is full of  billioniares who make wealth off the stupidity of John Maynord Keynes and his ilk.  Soros makes money from Liz and her idiocy.  As does Bill Gates. No need for hard work, just locate a dufas seller of pixel dust in the Swamp, follow that trail to riches.

Do not be the dufas accountant debating a marginal tax rate.  It is immaterial anyway, Gavin is going to take every last dime of the wealth tax from Liz anyway, Texas ain't giving her a dime.  The ongoing assumption everywhere is that she, like the Venezuelans, immediately transfer the tax to Soros anyway, because Keynes got the sign backwards so there is always a huge bet that pays off as long as we keep the Keynes fraud gunwinds

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