Sunday, January 27, 2019

Kanosian war crimes

Every year, roughly 14% of the US population moves from one state to another, according to Census Bureau data. But after a careful analysis of the data from 2018, North American Moving Services published its latest report on American migration patterns...and it contained some surprising conclusions.For example, while Illinois was once again the top state for outbound moves (thanks, we imagine, to its dysfunctional state government, high taxes and massively underfunded pensions), the top state for inbound moves was...Idaho?A quick glance at the data reveals a familiar pattern: Americans are leaving high-tax blue states in favor of red states with low taxes and low cost of living.
How is it a good thing to drive Illinois into bankruptcy?  Why do we praise economists who advocate this crap?  This is the millennials dilemma, they will spend their entire lives roaming around as they continually vote their own destruction.

Once the millennials decode the scam, then it is almost immediate debt repudiation, they are not going to sign any contract the requires an infinity of huge interest payments for boomer debt. Millennials are slow learners, but eventually to do figure things out. What they learn each time they are driven from their homes is simple: Never vote for a Dem again, he party will be destroyed, blamed for the mammoth debt payments.

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