Sunday, January 27, 2019

Yes, John Bolton is an idiot

US Army Major Slams Syria's Sunken Cost Fallacy: American Deaths Are Not A Reason To Stay

My question is, why does an Army major figure it out but all of the generals remain dumber than carp.

My second question, if you look closely, the army is putting the USA as at risk by supporting folks who bomb us, the Saudis. We know the the Bushes do deals with the enemy, Trump0 and the opil industry do the same, the Army, which is supported to protect us, is just now getting a hint as to who our enemies are.  Bushies and Boltons, both American traitors.

This major is doing his duty, the Pentagon is not on our side, California is not giving another dime to these idiots, and you can kiss the wealth tax good by, the wealthy are not paying for this crap, the wealthy find better uses in giving their money to California public sector unions, California is getting most of Pocahontas's wealth tax, Gavin will have it in place as soon as we understand the level of the bust. He needs the taxes, not DC.  He will declare a global warming emergency, or otherwise make shit up, but there is no way in hell that Gavin is sending taxes back to DC.

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