Thursday, January 31, 2019

The classic fraud

Powell's "Caving To The Market" Means "The Practice Of Hedging Has Been Dealt A Body Blow"

Here is the problem I see here.  In California, this is a great relief, we can stall and buy time to solve the pension short fall.  Sure, the rich get a bit richer.

So, Liz, is this OK? Can the rich get a bit richer to save a government goodie?

Any answer is already procyclic, California has already gotten its pension shortage, right on time with the 1/4 fall in home sales .  Our Keynesians professors have already signed on to the rich get rich scheme, and so will you, Liz, because if you do not cover up for the liar professors out here, then they wont' make fairy tales for you out there.

You already frigged yourself twice, Liz has already agreed the rixch get richer on the housing bill, she agrees the rich get richer to save the Calo pansions.  Later, she and Gavin will split the take on capoital gains, the rich will gety richer4.

All through her senate career I suspect this bonehead woman has done nothing but make rich richer, and she will continue, but for one thing. The millennials ain't got  the dough, and the monetary stimulus idea was horse manure anyway. I doubt any sane country would take her assets in a sale, so her favorite government goodies will still be under threat.

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