Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Trump, you idiot You traded a hotel for a trillion dollar defense commitment

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House will propose significant non-defense spending cuts in its 2020 budget proposal, officials said on Tuesday, but it will miss the Monday, Feb. 4 deadline for submitting its plan to U.S. Congress, where the new Democratic majority in the House of Representatives plans to oppose it.

Now you are fucked, that little snot nosed kid got a hotel, but California is not paying for the crap, kiss off, I am supporting Howard Schultz.   You blundered, you sucked up to the Saudis and got shit for it except a humongous tax bill for California.

I know the Venezuelans out here, your money is spent, it is gone. Say hello to shut downs. Your adviser, John Bolton has the IQ of a turnip, your in sad shape Trump.

This is the same crap Reagan pulled, spending some 255 of GDP to bail out one of the Bush kids.  This is why Howard Shultz needs to be a different from the traditional welfare bum Republican as he can be, and it is easy.  We like capitalism, we do not like Republican socialist scumbags.

My advice to the armed forces, you are losing support badly, you cannot be Bell Hops to the Trump hotel business, you will be funded at a bellhops wage. If the armed forces puts up with more crap from Trump and Bolton, then we will shut down DC permanently.

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