Friday, January 25, 2019

Opioids and meth are a brain damage issue

The opioid user can not longer mediate pain signals and the simple aches and pains appear to them as major injuries.  The same holds true of the meth addict but the damage in in the homeostasis center, emotional response. The minor emotions bothers become life changing event to them, there world appears to fall apart.

Rehab does not work if you release them back into their environment, especially with meth addicts. The government rehab industry is running a huge con on the taxpayers about this.  For meth addicts I am thinking work camp, incentivized work camp whee they earn to understand their own feeling in a structured work environment, and get paid.  Three or four days at a time.  I have watched and worked the issue for years, and this approach seems to be the next resort.

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