Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Let us do a California wealth tax

Increase the income tax rate for the high earners of Silicon Valley

Why?  Mainly because they have already agreed to it.  By virtue of selling these stupid code of conduct systems, funding Gavin, and personal choice; whether accidental or not, they have already signed and agreed to the tax scheme.

The ides of de3claring globalwamring emergencies and stealing t5he energay funds has run its course, Jerry milked thatplot for all it is worth.

We have the venezuelans, we have Gavin, we are better off just doing it since even the wealthy liberals seem to agree.  As a libertarian, my feeling is go for it as long as you have consensus and it seems we do.  I think it bad policy, but libertarians support both good and bad policies as long as they are democratatic.

The much worse policy is to get the rich liberals sending their wealth taxes back to DC, no one, especially the liberals like that idea.  There is no reason to fight this, the Silicon Valley execs already agree, take them up on their offer.  Otherwise, California liberals will be producing some half a trillion just to get started on bailing out Illinois, they would rather bail out California.

But wait, you say, this is very inefficient and ultimately the little browns suffer the consequences, and they do, suffer.  But, the movement is way beyond stopping, the venezualans have already committed to frigging the poor, I cannot stop them, I cannot get symmetric information to them, and the optimum path is to let Gavin play his hand and support an additional wealth tax, otherwise the unions will impose a regressive tax on little browns and screw them over the way they did to the browns of Illinois.

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