Thursday, January 31, 2019

I don't mind the cycle, it is the cyclers

They are the same people.

The same con of giving to the rich and taking from the poor to save same pointless government program.  Then they lie about it. The victims and perpetuators  are the commentators on the Thoma blog, they they are the same people, the same economists, 360 degrees later in the cycle, do the same self delusion.

The  same group of welfare bums on the other side, still feeding guns to the mentally ill tea party  and stealing their money.  We have racist groups still, in the legislature, still after 40 years or something.  California, we sit and watch Venezuela fall apart, almost copying their actions step for step. Illinois, abandoned, hopeless nest of corruption.

It is like living in an insane world, Brad posts one chart that explains the whole mess, and it matters not. The insanity seem impervious.

Why? Look to Stiglitz, imperfect and asymmetric information.  Look at before and after internet, see if the insanity has gotten worse or better. Find folks who got stuck in these delusion in 1975, follow them, did they just up and give up, die an early death, escape.  Is this strictly as boomer mental thing? We need answers, we  are repeatedly self destructive, self delusional, getting stupider, more insane. Why?

In a world where the exiting establishment is in a hysterical frenzy , ready to use deception, then millennials have moral license to set the terms of default.  Whatever ails these folks, millennials did not do it, not yet. Millennials have not yet soiled themselves. And their next vote decides their fate.  A wrong vote and they have signed up for a life time of toil and voters regret.  The bond holders are there, pen and paper, millennials must agree to cover whatever bonehead insanity boomers repeatedly and obviously caused.  Sign that is to sign away the millennials' life.

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