Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Nope, we are planning more of them

Senator McConnell would support bill making shutdowns more difficult

Shut downs is how we deal with McConnell's career of bailouts and cyclical recessions.

Starting with the Alzheimer's president, we have 22 trillion of McConnell foul ups and we can only pay for them by shutting  down the Swamp now an then. McConnell knew of the ongoing fraud, did nothing to stop it, has no credibility. Go home, McConnell, get out get out get out.

All this fakery is due to Howard entering the race.  Take notice, Howard, you want to play off the Republican welfare bums against the Dem welfare bums, a can't lose strategy.

Never ever claim that republicans somehow earned their money, most of it comes from poor people, via taxes and high prices as Keynesians sold out the poor to get interest payments made.  There is nothing in republicanism that includes hard work and sacrifice, it has all been welfare, subsidies from the Fed, and premiums from kenyesian debt.

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