Thursday, March 28, 2019

Quantums on my mind

In  quantum mechanics, a quantum operation is a mathematical formalism used to describe a broad class of transformations that a quantum mechanical system can undergo. This was first discussed as a general stochastic transformation for a density matrix by George Sudarshan. The quantum operation formalism describes not only unitary time evolution or symmetry transformations of isolated systems, but also the effects of measurement and transient interactions with an environment. In the context of quantum computation, a quantum operation is called a quantum channel.

See this? This is the S/L equation. Ultimately the pit boss is taking a balanced compact generator through a series of adiabatic transitions. It does so as a quantum channel, that generates the hologram effect and Weinberg's Lindbladian equations are a general formulation.

'Time' is just a semantic for ordered X axis, ordered in that movement along the X axis insures a necessary smooth derivative property in the Y axis. And that discussion goes on to fitting smooth Riemann surfaces to coordinate systems. A lot of this stuff gets proved in the geometry version of algebra.

But, we are correct, a correct formulation. The Lindbladian equations does not tell us how we pre-process a savings queue or loan queue before matching. That is implied in the Hamiltonian in the equation.

Position in our system is S/L, momentum is delta S/L. S/L is a compact generator, otherwise known as an operator on a Hilbert space. We get the superposition of all solutions to the savings to loans matching problem, we have collapsed the measurement to one line of symmetry, the channel bandwidth.

In banking, all agents are watching the published bit error, the currency risk account, it is the symmetry measurement about the current pit crowd, a measure of how well they complement. Something like this, I am still reading, and the number of links deeper into Wiki is the worst I have seen. But it should all boil down to a combinatorial issue, estimated.

The equations apply to the situation of a basketball league with player trades pending. When player uncretainty is a known and accepted constant, then the quantum tiering of the league happens, about a fixed trade channel bound by known quantization error.  Player flow distributed the known 'luck' factor.

The complex numbers of the equation.

The equation lists the solution set with an extra, imaginary coordinate.  That imaginary number says,'The solution in terms of the projected line of symmetry in the hologram effect.  This is what makes a circular column of the tree trunk compute like a sphere in the branches and roots of our algebra model. The hologram effect is called closure by the math guys, imaginary means a complex number that carries an implied line of symmetry using algorithm tricks.

Money is really the projected axis.  Savers and borrowers know that the currency risk account is how close we are to making the trade. Money is the sum of all possible alternatives paths, within the accuracy of a balanced compact generator of typical transactions. The weighted sum of possible adiabatic moves the pit boss may make.

In all the collective quantizing models, the key will be ascertaining the Hamiltonian, which defines the transfer of potential uncertainty into kinetic uncertainty.  In other words, the equation is just a shell for quantizing a collective process meeting some smoothness criteria. Says the sum total, knows nothing about how your Hamiltonian was derived.  It is just the hologram effect part, nothing else.

I remember doing this trick. What if we just took a sample of a parabolic nothing and 'Huffman encoded it" to find nice counting quants with bound round off error.  My conclusion was the same, it says nothing about how the X,Y rectangular coordinate numbers were generated, it just collapsed them to a single line of symmetry.

Inducing a 'semi-group'

A semi group is enough to make an imaginary hologram axis. Take our abstract tree algebra.  We can walk along a nearly smooth surface of the branches, everything is equally dense, and we can count additive steps along that surface. That is the induced imaginary axis of what must be happening if this tree trunk is so round. The tree of life, it can fake any sort of math.

The Hologram is a one dimensional projection. The equation has that degree of freedom for the induced axis. Thus, it tells us nothing about a double jump, there is a limit at which new Hamiltonian is needed, time to call Einstein. Any hemispherical surface on the tree becomes too volatile to count steps, so the system need to bump dimensionality in the equations of motion, the Hamiltonian. These equations say little about that. The relativity solution boosts N -> N+1 hologram so that another line of imaginary motion is supporting the induced semi-group. We just run out of combinations without another variation on the set elements, another group classification.

Why bankers do not use negative numbers?

The imaginaries are a mathematical trick to compute the hologram effect, it is a way of managing the projected axis with a simple 'commuter'.  The banker is operating with a 3% market uncertainty, that is a low rank generator, and the banker can directly compute the 'commuter' function, he can look over the stack and reorder a deposit to a loan as a serial operation.  The commuter operation allows us to make a semi-group projection.

Hat tip to Delong, he is my un-indicted co-conspirator in tracking this stuff own.  This is the general logistics method in economic.

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