Wednesday, March 27, 2019

What about Slightly Irritated Insulting?

Soros Bankrolls 'Hate Crime' Database Used by Media...
I am pretty sure I am on the list, for being a general asshole.

But I don't remember picking on anyone race more than any other, they all seem a bit bizarre in their own way. Where would they put me? Do they have a slot for anarchists, maybe. Or may, "general asshole, not sure who he hates"?

I was certainly a bit harsh on the islamo freaks, especially the Sunni variety, I admit that. But I was OK with the AllRighties in Syria. I wrote the Iranian shia thing off as a con to get the marauding Arabs of their backs,  those folks are really  Zoastrians, Persian.  Iran is a psychotic reaction to the slaughter 1300 years ago.

There is another mafia organizations, the SLC, which keeps track of people like me.

I wonder if they share notes. Is this one of those, 'need a PHD in diversity' things? Do they have Due Process? Can I go in and see them and explain I am irritated by all those asshole list makers? Maybe I could get the Redneck exemption, you know, us being the persecuted minority so we are allowed to be a bit rude. Slip in under the diversity rule.

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