Sunday, March 24, 2019

Why is light constant?

Let us take our abstract tree again.

let the tree trunk get rounder and rounder. The hologram effect says the hemispheres of branch and root get uniformly dense.  The key is uniformly, we have assumed that a uniform sampling rate in a sampled data system, the basic constituent of a branch is the same everywhere.  This is the physics rule. it lets us have an X axis.

So, in the limit, as the tree trunk curvature approaches Pi, radius becomes countable, and the distance over any concentric surface is the same number of elements.

The real assumption is that 'light' always sufficiently samples 'elements' at any stage of the limit process, the element of vacuum always has bandwidth. And in the limit, light becomes a defined constant as the tree trunk approach the natural number.  Allows us to exactly divide two notches on an X axis.

In sandbox, this hologram effect distorts fairly fast, and the market maker, the pit boss is visible to all.  But the concept the same, a large context difference from physics.  Number theory is there, the constrained channel is 'round off space' it must be optimally allocated so X can always be sufficiently subdivided.  Physics is extremely accurate, their subject under test has a pretty round tree trunk.

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