Thursday, May 23, 2019

Both sides faking it on infrastructure

The president—and this will stun you—had not fully thought out a plan to pay for $2 trillion in infrastructure spending. Democrats had suggested the president undo some of his signature 2017 tax legislation to pay for it, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell immediately called this a “nonstarter,” and just about all Republicans agreed with him. House Republicans, not known for challenging the president’s dictates, said that $2 trillion was a wildly unrealistic sum, with House Republican Whip Steve Scalise saying there were not any financing options agreeable to both parties “that would come anywhere close to $2 trillion.” Senate Republican rank and file were similarly uninterested.
There is not the do-re-me, half the surplus is rolling over prior debts.  By my count about zero of the various tribes have any plans to tax themselves, all of us being official members of the Political List of Exemptions. Rednecks are right in that group, we got ourselves a 'fragile' listing.

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