Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Mueller never had probable cause

Napolitano: Mueller’s Message Today Was That Trump Would Have Been Indicted If He Weren’t President

Napolitano is a lousy lawyer, makes a better ice cream. 

Mueller knew the dossier was a bogus FBI fake from the beginning, he had no probable cause and all but indicated that early in the investigation.

Dershowitz: Shame on Robert Mueller for exceeding his role

Jeez, Dershowitz, you cannot be that dumb.  You knew this was a sham investigation from day one. 

Why we didn't notice was the comedy of errors was too unbelievable for us. This whole mess was a garden party plot concocted in Cambridge, or some place over there. A political dirty tricks, business as usual,  that Mueller should have noted within a week, then shut the whole investigation down. I blame Clapper Brennan and Obama for pushing this to an investigation. Two more boneheads in the string of comedy, I already have two musicals from it and am working on a third.

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