Sunday, September 29, 2019

Trump's strategy

He was elected to be the Bull in the China shop, run on his success.

Give a weak, 'Ah shucks' to the Ukraine thing. Point out the small CIA conspiracy, hope they have no Oswald up their sleeve. He should win if there are no mass shootings. The economy is doldrums, that is not an election killer, and many voters think more Bull int the China Shop fixes that. Like, his natural voters are the ObamaTaxCare regretters, the same group that cost Dems four straight election losses. That fear beats Liz.

He likely survives the  economy thing, his only risk is the marginal suburban voter who is about to vote Dem gun control and frig everything up.  The NRA is a pain, but folks are beginning to understand the Second, in its entirety.

Which brings up; there is still a very fouled up set of Supremes, a big wildcard on a whole lot of stuff, they are demented, exactly what we don't need.

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