Sunday, May 3, 2020

A four coloring

The DNA sequence, and the result is a spiral, the fourth color adding that degree of freedom. The spirals can be matched to other spirals by rotations rate.
The fourth allows he system to count out strings. The mach strings in the environment. The freedon to partition by chain size.

Overview of transcription

Yes, they have a triple counter, a five counter and do even odd. The fourth color mark begin and end sequences. Nitrogen did the trick, added the fourth color..

N is too small, so they spirals can coil into stable forms. N limited, the DNA is a bit unstable.  Tends to unravel, get trimmed by RNA.
The low density N is low density nitrogen, not nearly enough for a four color. There should be motion, continual spiral exposing different gene to the surface. The system organizes to conserve nitrogen.
Like a finite system, the tendency of the DNA to unravel gets stuck, there is no observable manner  (ot queue over flow) to equalize nitrogen. The reason is the issuance of RNA keeps adjacent bundles of DNA separate, this is the effect of the fourth color.  The markers size is adjustable, each message between clusters maintained for minimization. Hence the fourth color gets cell structure.

In any given environment, the only sustainable solution are the DNA bundles that sequence to properly separate the cells in that environment. The cells  signal the availability of alkyl which can capture nitrogen. Alkys is a general terms for some molecule with a missing hydrogen wiki tells me. o the DNA bundles that are stable will signal to each other the availability of the various alkyls., mainly the ratio.  In Nash equilibrium, each is eating no more than its quota.

Unraveling causes emission of nitrogen, an excess, delivered with a bit of sewage bluntly.  It must be like a natural segmentation of the natural method of partitioning nitrogen. Nitrogen will maximally fig the available alkyls.  Like anything else, it has the relativity effect, and expands to consume more alkyls then available., and there is a define barrier if the nutrients are stable.

Consider a generator for the fourth color, it is likely rank five. It counts out sequences representing the deficiency of some unit of 'fixer', by weight. There is only one nitrogen orginization that can fix that 'weight' of alkyls. The nitrogen bundles move in response, this is disequilibrium, they move by counting through the generator to the next message. Who codes the generator? Just masses of amino acids, congested with lots of redundancy.

Yes, this makes sense. The released proteins are the surplus alkyl needed to make that current sequence.  It is a molecule by molecule count.  The even odd nitrogen split makes the alkyls have complements.  Stable proteins stablize on some boundary ant the cytoplasm is always minimum redundancy.

This is still a flooring exercise, with about four degree polynomial in five dimensions.  Still looking for a finite coloring algorithm, quantized error updates.

This gets us to white cell alteration.  If the stable spiral can be systematically exchanged, across the fourth marker, then the spiral will count out a error message causing motion toward the complementary.  The DNA bundle moves toward environments that were encoded into the generator.

The DNA bundle responds to disequilibrium by rotating is spiral until it finds the proper error update. It will quantize out one sequence of the surplus material.

There is a constant speed  of light, sample rate through the error generator. There is a maximum genome count.

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