The equation tells me light is two steps to correct a Plank deviation. So he reduced Plank constant should be three deviations. And it is three deviations paths through the error network. The equation tells me that 2/3 of my paths are redundant and merged along lines of symmetry, that is Boltzman constant. Everything determined by dimension.
Here is Schrodinger unsolved:
H contains both potential energy and kinetic energy. So this tells us how much extra energy is in the N that is in excess of the N needed for the potential energy. In other words, with the previous volume of deviations removed. describe the surface up to the next Markov triple.
The relativity solution makes this is a hyperbolic surface.

Like this:

In the last graph, the groups are groups to some bound error, we finding the best fractional approximation that keeps the axis separated to make commutative groups to some bounded error.
Doing set matching when N is not known exactly. We set matching resolution, the inverse of partitions. Inherently we never know the count to better than one, and there is always kinetic energy.
If we take the hyperbolic abelian groups and project them onto the plane, then we get relative compression between the axis, a relativity effect.
The reduced constant for mass is one, one thing on the hyperbolic surface. It should be something close to all this. Going back to planar should be easy if we just flatten that surface to the unit circle. Adding the fourth term, time, just quantizes time in four dimensions, satisfying the Einstein condition of time dilation.
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