Monday, June 1, 2020

Fun equaion

{\displaystyle \ F_{\text{C}}={\frac {1}{4\pi \varepsilon _{0}}}{\frac {q_{1}q_{2}}{r^{2}}}}

Looks to me like another generalized Nyquist-Shannon-Markov-Boltzman-Gibbs-Planck in 3D.

I have:

some constant * r^2 = all paths created by q1 and q2 taken two at a time. But q1 an q2 come with an implied spin deviation.

But q1 and q2 have been rounded, they define color operators. r^2 means one axis of symmetry, but it really is x,y,z.  The big constant becomes the scale factor to Euclid. Hidden in that pile up of a constant must be the Boltzman compression, the merged paths. Pi and permitivity make that Boltzman compression reference the unique center.

Butt, take R in this case as being marks along the operator centroid. Shannon, Nyquist, Markov, Boltzman all say that two charge deviations will circle that centroid to create a degree two continued fraction estimate of N, or the steps through the centroid.

This is a workable problem, and should simplify physics quite a bit. q1 and q2 become deviation rates. The centroid we are counting is always vertical to the operator, the system comes with its own tensor. This is time independent,  On a closed surface this will completely color both deviations counts, marked by a spin bit, to within standard 3D light steps. You will get a beach ball.   Paths symmetric to the spin spots have been eliminated, and in the fractional elimination you will get Pi approximated into the transformation that preserves a center. Permitivity is really the total N of all such layers within the closed surface. N being the total number of Plank actions which are a local node exchange in the expansion tree. The expansion tree is simply two integer rates at which the set combinatorials have error.  So in this case, make a Markov 4 Tuple, ignore the magnetic and instead pick a point on the 4 tuple Markov tree that matches you model error along the three axis. Count each q rate independently, this is all the combinatorial version of boundary conditions. 

I see nothing in the equations but the natural limits of combinatorials. When we go from a triple to a quadruple we are just doing an axis decompression, back to Euclid.  That jump from closed to open puts the modeler at the center with counts appropriate to his estimate of an fake Avagado that gives him sufficient accuracy for the experiment. But everything looks like a 3D geodesic to in the decompression.  All thee experiments involve finding the enclosed Euclidian cloud, and working backwards. The fine constant, in Markov deviations, are is the variance between connected opearators. It is non zero, the path of that variance is the kernel of force laws and should appear in Fc. It is Plank's constant, actually, the maximum deviations allowed per three light steps, or one tick up the operator centriod. In finance that fine constant is the pit boss market risk. In Bayesian terms that is round off error in the best match between two independent sets.

Kinetic energy is in this conext, but not internal and it is noticeable when the phycists measures, an Avagadro and works backward from the Markov 4 tuple tree.  N errors show up as motion in Euclidian space.  In Markov model kinetic energy shows up as a recoloring of the closed surface.  So the model has to force a vacuum color operator, there will be combinations where a some operator finds the vacuum is the minimum deviation path.   That is what forces the universe into a toroid.

The quasars must be the derived center, the M+1 dimension. They split N errors, using mass.

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