Monday, June 15, 2020

Kling's three axis and the Markov

Let us consider the debates to be actions and conserved.

All debates are three party.  The libertarian has fewer, but more fundamental statements. The conservative a few more to add, and the progressive having enough to make it fair.

It is about sustaining N across the three axis.  Each axis is orthogonal, that is, each point made by the conservative is matched to the progressive. The libertarian generally has one rule maybe, he just demands everyone go to the other side of curvature.

How accuratethese axis?

How many ways can you get progressives to agree on eight different points of debate?  These are small numbers, and the conservative is being squeezed to join the libertarian.  The nuance in three space is sparse, maybe 12 full complete debates marking symmetrical points on their finite axis.  But N drops, the complexity of progressives is not supported by N, the number of useful debates. N is fuzzy. We will often fall back to a two dimensional model, especially at election time. If not then the debates become useless with libertarians and conservatives haranguing the progressive from the same direction. This will be semi stable.

The is a unique agreement among them, the ability to run around the corner to the market from one's them.  That is why the libertarian has center spot. But from then on the outer shell is conservative vs progressive.

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