Monday, June 15, 2020

Markov and government goods

We can make the map of government layout, by size of state. That is our equilibrium by default.

That is X, it is a bit large. I would give government a requirement to make three segments of goods. You have dollars in and dollars out, from all spots in N, even using a point far in the past.  Solve the triple. You have N, it is reduced to a finite count of deviations.

You will find some payments hardly there, almost wiped out. The skew is huge. The system does no self compute, adapt. It will go through rotation, induce kinetic energy for no apparent reason. Mostly it is about distorted terms.


A pit, a regular trading session, district to state capital. Cash.   The senate then adapted to maintain liquidity of federal spending, their state get some pit boss profits. Basically the system is dropping down to a Markov node in which N matches their capability in matching in to outs.

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