Sunday, October 18, 2020

Compensated for energy taxes

Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits will increase 1.3% in 2021, the Social Security Administration announced today.
This is in direct conflict with any global warming taxes. All the New Green Deals have inflation adjustments so their pals do not suffer global warming taxes. These COLAs make a mockery of New Green Deal. The whole claim of various New Green Deals is that there is a central planner to manage COLAS and Green activities. That is complete horse manure, a lie of mammoth proportions.

The way we handle COLAs is for the senators to root them out and remove them, make it worth their while. We need to dump COLAs as it will rob Treasury of its inflation tax income. If we rob Treasury then state/house swap lacks incentives and we re-devalue too soon. COLAs are a nightnare, frankly, the Godotists lie about it, but it is true. COLA fouls the normal path of economic discovery.

There is one thing both oil companies and Green New Deals hate, that is tort. Tort matches co2 polluters against co2 non-polluters, and both New Green Dealers and oil companies profit from more co2 pollution, not less. The entire political game is to tax energy and pass out the proceeds based on political support.

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