Sunday, October 18, 2020

Tie Vote gains on Biden


Democrats are modest favorites to win the U.S. Senate. But even if they do take control of the upper chamber, they’re most likely to end up with only the slimmest of majorities. There is the chance, however, that Democrats build up a bigger Senate majority in 2020, and, as Perry Bacon Jr. wrote, that chance largely comes down to states like Kansas, Montana and Alaska, where Democratic candidates are underdogs but still have a meaningful chance of pulling off upsets.

The action is in the senate in this 538 forecast.  This is decided by the fear of California and the Franciscans.

My second favorite, Tie Vote, gets a 1 percent chance.  My dog is running behind Tie Vote. The libertarian is somewhere behind my dog. Tie Vote is the anarchist choice, but I split my ticket this year.

Tie Vote is only 11 points behind Trump and could catch up in a couple of weeks. Come in second place. That should rant some fame to Little Missie Poo Poo Butt. She might close in on Trump, go for third.

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