Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Codeword for a split in the Swift chain

“Several participants noted the possibility that there may be limits to the amount of additional accommodation that could be provided through increases in the Federal Reserve’s asset holdings in light of the low level of longer-term yields, and they expressed concerns that a significant expansion in asset holdings could have unintended consequences.”

Fed minutes, taken out of context by me.  

Sandboxers should see this as yet another debate on ledger protocols by miners.  Swift will not split, Yellen and Powell both know the issues. Swift will emerge stronger, it will be jumping right in the sandbox, bet on that. There will be no 'MIT faking it', this time.

For a technologist, my model is the following: What are the abstractions of the Swift protocols that make the most flexible interface to the new contract languages, of which Swift will  one. From the total package, create the macro, mini, and micro Swift bank versions, fill in the sandbox layers. Keep the time and count limit functions everywhere so it always resolves.

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