Sunday, November 29, 2020

Joe Biden cannot stop the hilarity and chaos

 He is too old to sort it out, and we already seem him constantly heckled into the California diversity system.  ha group will mis manage, the economic team are all priored out to Godot and unable to deal with contradictions. Janet and Powell rule the roost here, and they will represent the banks, they are bankers first and foremost. That puts Powell and Yellen right in the middle of the tax battles, and they will be on that from about day one. The alternative is huge, the stimulus. Nothing is getting through the earmark gauntlet at less than 4 trillion. There is a big jump across the chasm, the zero crossing. No one in the senate will figure out a tax plan that follows such a large stimulus, and that makes the humongous difficult.

We are betting 2010. Another round of severe bank taxes.  With velocity below two, the banks are an interested party, they suffer the tax without Due Process. The who pays that tax' is pushed to the front by a Swift bankers rebellion, and more power to them. The new Fed contract is being moved up front along with.

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