Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Due Process banking is an extremely useful regulation

 Really enforced by Law within the Swift contract system?

You are kidding me, that means the constitution guarantees me the right of market priced entry and exit into any Swift account, or license. In sandbox, we assume automated discovery and hedging for arbitrage, but to haven it legally enforced by Law is like a miracle marketing tool for Swift bankers. It makers the ta dollar have even more utility than just a tax tool.

It is a two way street, this is a monopoly contract from the US chambers. If you get cheated or excluded within a Swift system, you will have an appeal process, within Swift. No other free currency can guarantee this except by contract law. Railroads and income tax agents have been stuck with this, but for Swift banking this is a great service to customers. A way to work the scofflaw problem with an internal bankruptcy, leaving the authorities out.

We can license the macro swift bank, a separate entity attached to a correspondent, but having limited time, amount and count.  Let them have full freedom, subject to Due Process. That would be their trademark, Due process banker. Keep your cash account low, under the radar, and have very low cost banking and contracts. Online biometric sign up. Offer sales lending with vendor fees, integrate anonymous, point to point, ledger swaps across he ledger space. Tie into ther Eth chain with option liquidity, put up their own proof of stake chain and sell OTC services, and so on and so on and so on.

I keep getting excited abut freeing up the Swift bankers, just to see how they do in sandbox. I have this idea of franchises, limited, but fast Swift offices. What exactly would be the opti,um market capacity of a migrating S/L, like a color operator lightening the financial landscape. A pure liquidity machine, ledgered up to valid US tax dollars.

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