Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Orbitals and entropic extent

Adding energy causes the orbital to have more energy states. Each orbital is independent and within its entropic extent. That is why they degrade, it is the Avogadro effect. the Shannon root(6).  That is what determines how they fill orbitals.

The 2,x,y chain of Markov 3-tuple have a higher curvature, that is what makes the lobes. There is a maximum set of orbitals, above which you have exceeded the available entropy for the two relatively primes.

This should work out, the energy layers fo: 1,2,5,13, 29 and that is about all you get, the sum of  1,2,5, likely seven according to the periodic table. After that one has to make molecules.

This happens because entropy eventually means estimating an irrational number with rational fractions. There is a Hurwitz bound regardless of the number of relative primes.

This will also explain temperature as necessary partitions to stay within the bounds. If quarks really are 3d then this explains why proton does not dissipate.

If my measuring rod has the minimum number of tics for the optimum relatives primes, then there are at most 108 paths through the sticks until I repeat.  Any other solution does has redundant paths/.

The quarks being 4D have a much higher entropy extent, and support three basic energy levels with two curvturre at each level. They can jump to one of three higher energy states. 

They are massive because they can store 256 times the energy of n electron. In low energy mode they are 108*17 times as massive as the electron.  The electron is assume to be point source.

 Inertia is the surface to volume area. Protons have a high number.  The proton has two magnetic moment, one chiral and one radial.  I think the three quarks are three energy states, three positions on the 4-Tuple tree. When released they all appear at the same time. Adding chiral means the z count is close to four squared, we do not test maximum entropy for a 4D system. 

I get a maximum of 17 orbitals as four electrons carry that many states.  If I jump to five states, then I exceed entropy extent.

so 17* 108=  756 + 1080 = 1836.   The states are counted not quite evenly as spin ads a wedge.  


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