Saturday, March 8, 2014

Black holes?

There is only one that we will ever see, our universe, and it is not yet compacted. When we are compacted, we will be surrounded by the Nyquist layer, the unquantized field with no phase gradient.
If the vacuum knew the standard model, we would be black holed. We are not, I assume. So the standard model is a convergent series, for us and for the vacuum.  We know it to the extent we can measure relative densities, everywhere we can look.

This approach says that to the extent we observe apparent centers of compaction then there must be small quantized matter in sparse orbits beyond the surface of compaction with wavelengths on the order of the total region. But the order we observe in space seems to small to match any density at the atomic level and below. Either we are way early in the compaction process, or we fail to observe mid level orders. Our estimated density ratios are not correct. Take magnetism. It will either it comes from phase balanced charge and never quantized. Or charge is too sparse and the vacuum will quantize the magnetron. If charge is too sparse, then the sub atomic order is not nearly finalized. But if they exist then where are the short wave waves in the megahertz range?

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