Saturday, March 8, 2014


A pulsar (portmanteau of pulsating star) is a highly magnetized, rotating neutron star that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation. This radiation can only be observed when the beam of emission is pointing toward the Earth, much the way a lighthouse can only be seen when the light is pointed in the direction of an observer, and is responsible for the pulsed appearance of emission. Neutron stars are very dense, and have short, regular rotational periods. This produces a very precise interval between pulses that range from roughly milliseconds to seconds for an individual pulsar.
How do we know this thing is rotating?

Pulse frequency is a millisec. Wave speed is 3e8 m/sec times 1e-3 sec = 3e5, the wavelength of the pulse.  About the wave length of a quantized magnetic region. The magnetrons would be phase reversed with very stable phase gradients.  Be very conducive to rf transmissions.

A pulsar could either be a rotating body, or a body that has transferred its rotation energy into a stable  magnetic field gradient. Would we know the difference?

So we construct a model in which the electron field is dense, near the pulsar, and unstable in phase.  It would be bright in the radio frequency, and compressed by fairly numerous and sparse magnetrons orbiting about .3 to 10 e6 meters out.  These magnetrons are not much bigger than electrons, maybe two orders of magnitude larger. They have a phase gradient, 360 degrees, but very stable. They are phase unbalanced, reversed from what we think, and very strong field. So it rotates RF, adding a longer pulse mode.

The pulsar is simply a bright object transmitting in RF.  The rotation  static in the magnetic field, kinetic energy transferred to a very strong field gradient. We would never know which one. The wavelength of the charge field would have expanded slightly, as the proton charge was transferred. Electrons in this world a bit smaller. The neutron field actually less dense, a better density balance between the two transferred to a sparse imbalance in the magnetron field. The magnetron field pushing back against the gravity field which is now a bit denser. We would likely mis-intrerpret the shape of the gas cloud outside the magneto sphere.

If we mapped the spectra, we would see the rotating beam of the RF wave and  and the longer wave  of the gravity field and magneto field, separate waves, and separate spectral lines.

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