Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Now that we understand the spectrum of the vacuum

In free space the vacuum maples at nytquist so the SNR is conputed by:

2**(.5) -1 = 1.707 -1 = .7

If the atom under question is comprised by volume of mass, say (20%) then the available samples to the vacuum is 80% of one half and SNR:

2**(.5 * .8) -1 = .3
The share of mass to the proton is 70%, but it is over sampled, getting Nyquist * .85 in this atom.  Then SNR is
2*(.5 *.2 * .85 * .7)= .042%

The electron gets 30%
2*(.5 *.2 * .85 * .3)) = .017%

For the proton and electron set the quant levels so they measure to within the SNR. For the vacuum we get something like five levels. If we set the electron at 3 levels, then the proton will be at three times the accuracy, becomes about 8 levels. And the vacuum at about 24 levels.

These quant levels give you accuracy per sample. The part inside the parenthesis is the spectral center for that spectral point in a compact representation. The spread is the SNR.

At phase equilibrium, the spectrum will overlap on the first lobe, no mass transfer taking place, and the only wave lobe it the electro-magnetic which are standing. Fields are unperturbed. The vacuum is everywhere phase adjusted to minimum.  The vacuum samples at Nyquist has no second second lobe to worry about. There are no nuclear-electro waves. There is one  proton mass quant, and the proton static field is neutralized by the vacuum looping field.  Magnetism is not quantized has at the electron the large looping field, but will appear as electro magnetic standing waves at the long end of the electron spectrum. There is one quantized electron, the electron static field  compines with the proton looping positive charge to create a static charge field. The spectral share of each field is known, as is its form. But, mainly, there is no simultaneity, so the various fields at rest can be drawn as a sequence, large enough to get all the information.

Adding kinetic energy to the electron quant.  This model is perfectly statice, essentially the potential energy of the system.  Make the electron move, it gets that same share of samples, but takes two bits for its quant.  The charge fiedls if half as denst, and the phase delay jumps with less unquantized charge samples in the static field.

Inthe stable version, then, just lay out the sequence, one bit for the proton on the left and one bit for the electron in the right.  Lay out the positive electron charge across the span in between, the negative charge in the other direction, maximally dispersed, and the magnetic sample along the span.  Measure the resulting wave to phase jitter, and it is dual modal. Lay out the proton static field along the avai9lable samples, and finally lay out the vacuum samples, setting phase along its route to minimum the whole bundle. To phase jitter accuracy, the standing wave is known.  Add lots of kinetic energy to the electron, and the second mode quantization wave is much more intense.  Looking with light accuracy, the magnetic lines shoots up  from the proton, as it should, vertical to the radius of the electron motion .

Up to vacuum SNR, which is nyquist, the vacuum knows, we don't, we are limited to the uncertainty of sub sampled light.

I think.

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