Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Vacuum speed

I think that is the rate at which the vacuum encoder can equalize phase ahead of a quantizing system. The vacuum encodes by realigning phase across itself. The result of phase alignment is simultaneity makes the vacuum create one quant to remove the simultaneity. So we can imagine the vacuum taking one sample of the disturbance and calling that a piece of matter. One lobe becomes the static field, the other a wave propagation. And the vacuum is trying to phase align itself in response. The system, expanding at light speed constantly sees a minimum phase path.

Two worlds, quantized to the same order attract in the static and cass matter to merge at mass speed.  Wave propagation becomes stable across the two, and the vacuum increasingly phase aligned.   At some point, the two pints of matter breach Pauli and the SNR reduces, the system becomes the same world, with the same field order, but the vacuum measures the thing as one sample, with a lower quantization accuracy. The standard model changes in this case If the vacuum system stabalizes the adjacent systems faster than light stabilizes, then the vacuum quantizes the next order up, and removes phase co alignment between them. Thus going to a nuclear only world to a electron, nuclear world. At the electron quantized level, mass can be exchanged at light speed, from the electron to the proton. And energy transferred at light speed from the lower to the higher. Causing continued compaction.

A  completely encoded disturbance would have vacuum phase jitter, wave propagation, and mass uncertainty all balanced. If the system was a six world, then , then the set of -iLog(i) can generate the minimum sequence to describe the universe4 in an efficient congestion, including one quant for the vacuum container.  The count will have an uncertainty of simultaneity. The vacuum sampling in one phase for each field, the the samplers are all coaligned in phase, up to jitter uncertainty..

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