Friday, March 7, 2014

What is this E = MC squared then?

In this model, when we double the sample rate we double the number of samples in any complete sequence, but we also double the number of quants measured because each Q is sampled twice, and we assume no quantization effect. Hence, to equalize phase, the vacuum needs twice as many adjustments for twice as many quants. That would be vacuum samples squared.

This cannot happen, the vacuum has already limited itself when the mass was quantized.  So the Q  becomes more phase advanced, the vacuum phase delayed. The Q fields straighten in the same curvature, and simultaneity is not supported.  The object should be requantized to a higher order,  the vacuum using that method to absorb excess kinetic energy. The new quant is likely not supportable in any higher order field, and reverts back, without the kinetic energy..

Hence, when making the quantum model point source, and want to include kinetic energy, we add the concentric circles (which are squared area) to create rings of simultaneity. Each dimension of simultaneity squares the amount of kinetic energy, and squares the number of vacuum samples. We complete the point source standing waves. We note the phase invariance along the sample. For each order in the spectrum, there will be a phase moment along the sample. When some of these phase moments exceed  the Nyquist noise, a simultaneity has occurred, and another dimension of kinetic energy introduced.

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