Friday, January 18, 2019

Abusing the 64 bit void pointer

Purists are alarmed, but that is a big field in argsl ist, and the kernel should be prohibiting users from accessing the first 8k or so of it.  In this application, xchars and counting args indices So I can claim he firs 8 kb of void pointer address for integers, with no problem, and  do it, so far, with no problem.

That is what xchars has adopted. If you key value is less than MAXINT then your key value is an immediate integer, otherwise a integer string.

I go further.  I claim that the first seven bytes should be abusable, and user addressing segments are real  linker/kernel with 256  - 56 bit addresses I think, That level is dorders of magnitude more than 32 bit machines. the most significant byte. One should bit unsigned long can be independently decomposed into int, packed seven char, or cha * address. In fact, it is certainly possible to manage segments to make it so with ittle harm.

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