Monday, January 21, 2019

Address immediate mode

I like wasting address space.

The memory address field has a segment identifier, allowing the linker to base various data and code segments on had boundaries, so to speak.  Processors have an address immediate mode, a way o treat an address field as immediate date, computable in n he ALU.   We want to expose that function, we want to test an address pointer and decide if it is immediate data. 

I can simulate that function, but my method is dangerous.  This is a todo issue, it can be done under linux, I am sure. This is not considered good practice, up to now, but with this huge address field, we have opportunity for speed up of object identification everywhere; make the interpreters much faster.

By the way, looking closer as mouse tracking under linux I can see, it sucks. It seems to have a biased round off error.

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