Thursday, January 17, 2019

Arrays in Default

Old news is the the default syntax only knows about indices on args, that is the only use it has for integer types, and it limits MAXINT to the allocation of args on start up. So indexing args is how macro endpoints are defined, they are long unsigned ints, pointing into args.

Adding the syntax, [ ] is fairly simple, untyped since there is only one use for integers. Default is the boot syntax, purposefuly limited in foot print, pusposefully using s single allocation of memory. Default, so far, has no need for strings, that is how simple it is, everything it does sequentially unfolds on args. Indexing on args and grabbing longs is easily included in expression execution, which already accesses variable anyway.

I could add the variable type, string constant, a thing that is ignored by everything and sits in the source code buffer, that one is easy.  Then an array could index along a list of string constants.

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