Thursday, January 24, 2019

Did I get any software done?

A bit, i have all the snippets talking the same bind protocol. Binding not required, but everyone will do it. I was interrupted by life's events, and things will be slowing down on the project, maybe  bug a day at this point. I need to see some alternatives, right now bash and ps are the hot scripts. I would like to see some of them bring bash to this architecture, we want it; and I can't do it.

I cannot find the project that wants to make bash a shared object, a generic scriptor for al purposes. ps1 and bash are typeface explosions, but we still love them. Once the user learns the special function of the punctuation then the language are powerful.

I just do not think typeface explosions are good for the brain. We have cultivated the alpha/numerics over the ages to be  perfect Huffman encoding of common speech, and it carries a lot of informational roots, stems and verb forms.

I added a common form, the binding.  It describes the argument sequence for one snippet to initialize and bind another snippet. The snippet communities will coalesce around bound configurations, gamers do that.

My evolving view on punctuation marks and syntax

I want Default limited to while loops, simple expressions, no double op pairs except ./ and //. The two latter have earned their way into computer systems. There are a couple gadgets built in, but the default syntax cannot be typeface explosion, it needs to be, 'Oh, yes, while loop with brackets, plain text symbols and simple expressions".

And Default supports complete linux pass thru.

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