Friday, January 18, 2019

Flush is done

It was a translator, it pulled stuff out of a fifo and fedit line by line to an xchars rect that console loop already set up. So, Flush knows nothing except to empty the fifo and feed it line by line to a call back, using the assigned format structure.  I  claim the snippet name Flush, and I am capitalizing snippet names as proper NameSpace entry points.

How easy is that? Console loop has two or three instructions to setup a Flush window, now it is available everywhere. Functions have optimum separation in a controlled namespace, controlled because we can actually write the operational symbol tables in real time..

When IO loop executes a complete command line, it just writes a copy to flush_fd.  My 40 lines of code snippet, plus  20 lines of interface does the scrolls, primitively, but good enough.
I posted some updates, but io manager is in a bit of disarray at the moment.

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