Friday, January 18, 2019

I ge a free redraw from Flush

Tha is what is does, deliver the scroll buffer line by line to the rectangles. Actually Flush dlivers the scroll buffer to wht ever the call back is, it really has no spacial knowledge of Xchas,but it knows about PutStr.  So, by common naming practice, I discover that PutStr is a generic name, meaning, 'To put a String somewhere.  That makes is legitimate, I can Put a String in the Bosses report, or put a string in an sql string list.'

In fct, there is truth.  lot of generic names get over loaded aurally in software use. At he enterprise these can be classified, generic, used locally everywhere on a micro level and cannot support higher level namespace.  sort of zero level grading of a name class. A generic leads nowhere but performs an atomic function.

If you wee declaring a formal naming tree, your upper classes would choose among the generics for the most appropriate name. Doing so make plain sense talk more like good grammar, easier to follow when all parties recognize a terminal ; a label, an axis, a title,..

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