Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Managing the bus program counter

Right now that is my worst problem, making sure argc is stable from snippet to snippet, but I work through it. How to protect argc?  Update it via the signal handler, the snippet is done executing, it can request an update by an assert, the signal handler well adjust argc.  I do not consider this necessary, yet. Linux probably has a shared memory operation that can do the trick, I am not looking, not my problem at the moment.

I  mention it because it is the weak point, but it has solutions, the pros know what to do.  Enterprise we have the consensus snippet which I told you about.  Separated console loops can share args list but they have to reach a multi-party access lock. A request is a bot that crawls the console network, locking the resource for every node. So, I am driving this problem up to the snippet layer, a fast consensus algorithm. Done this, been there.

Putting a powerful tool up for python and golang, a controllable args list with snippets preforming transformations.

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